Web Scraper Cloud can be managed via an HTTPS JSON API. The API allows to manage sitemaps, scraping jobs and download data.
API access token can be found in Web Scraper Cloud API page.
By default, each user has a limit of 200 API calls per 15 minutes. Limit can be tracked by API call response headers:
X-RateLimit-Limit: 200
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 199
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1609372800 // returned only when limit is reached
PHP SDK and API SDK has built-in backoff mechanism in case of reaching the limit. If API request limit is reached and 429 response code is returned, client will be automatically put to sleep and will make request again when API request limits are restored.
This behavior can be disabled and throw exception instead of sleep.
// ES6 import
import { Client } from "@webscraperio/api-client-nodejs";
// or CommonJS require
const api = require("@webscraperio/api-client-nodejs");
const Client = api.Client;
const client = new Client({
token: "your api token",
useBackoffSleep: false
$client = new Client([
'token' => 'your api token',
'use_backoff_sleep' => false,
If more API calls are required, please contact support.
Scraping job can have one of these statuses:
- the scraping job is waiting in a queue to be scraped;scheduling
- the scraping job is currently being scheduled;scheduled
- the scraping job is waiting for the scraper server and will start in a moment;started
- the scraping job is in motion;failed
- the website returned more than 50% 4xx or 50xx responses or there were network errors, which means that job execution was
stopped and scraping job marked as failed; however, the user can continue it manually;finished
- the scraping job has been completed;stopped
- the scraping job has been stopped manually by the user;Method: POST
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"startUrl": [
"selectors": [
"parentSelectors": [
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": "",
"delay": ""
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 123
const sitemap = `
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": ""
const response = await client.createSitemap(sitemap);
id: 123
$sitemapJSON = '
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"startUrl": [
"selectors": [
"parentSelectors": [
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": "",
"delay": ""
$sitemap = json_decode($sitemapJSON, true);
$response = $client->createSitemap($sitemap);
'id' => 123
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 123
"name": "webscraper-io-landing",
"sitemap": "{\"_id\": \"webscraper-io-landing\", ...}",
const sitemap = await client.getSitemap(sitemapId);
id: 123
name: 'webscraper-io-landing'
sitemap: '{"_id": "webscraper-io-landing", ...}'
$sitemap = $client->getSitemap($sitemapId);
'id' => 123,
'name' => 'webscraper-io-landing',
'sitemap' => '{"_id": "webscraper-io-landing", ...}',
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemaps?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
Optional query parameters:
-page: &page=2
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 123
"name": "webscraper-io-landing",
"id": 123
"name": "webscraper-io-landing2",
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"total": 2,
"per_page": 100,
let generator = client.getSitemaps();
const sitemaps = await generator.getAllRecords();
// or iterate through all sitemaps manually
generator = client.getSitemaps();
for await (const record of await generator.fetchRecords()) {
// response (generator)
id: 123,
name: "webscraper-io-landing"
id: 124,
name: "webscraper-io-landing2"
$sitemapIterator = $client->getSitemaps();
// iterate through all sitemaps
foreach($sitemapIterator as $sitemap) {
// or iterate through all sitemaps while manually handling pagination
$page = 1;
do {
$sitemaps = $sitemapIterator->getPageData($page);
foreach($sitemaps as $sitemap) {
} while($page <= $sitemapIterator->getLastPage());
// response (Iterator)
'id' => 123,
'name' => 'webscraper-io-landing'
'id' => 124,
'name' => 'webscraper-io-landing2'
Method: PUT
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"startUrl": [
"selectors": [
"parentSelectors": [
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": "",
"delay": ""
"success": true,
"data": "ok"
const sitemap = `
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": ""
const response = await client.updateSitemap(500, sitemap);
$sitemapJSON = '
"_id": "webscraper-io-landing",
"startUrl": [
"selectors": [
"parentSelectors": [
"type": "SelectorText",
"multiple": false,
"id": "title",
"selector": "h1",
"regex": "",
"delay": ""
$sitemap = json_decode($sitemapJSON, true);
$response = $client->updateSitemap(500, $sitemap);
Method: DELETE
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": "ok"
await client.deleteSitemap(123);
Method: POST
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"sitemap_id": 123,
"driver": "fast", // "fast" or "fulljs"
"page_load_delay": 2000,
"request_interval": 2000,
"proxy": 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
"start_urls": [ // optional, if set, will overwrite sitemap start URLs
"custom_id": "custom-scraping-job-12" // optional, will be included in webhook notification
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 500,
"custom_id": "custom-scraping-job-12"
const response = await client.createScrapingJob({
sitemap_id: 123,
driver: "fast", // "fast" or "fulljs"
page_load_delay: 2000,
request_interval: 2000,
proxy: 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
start_urls: [ // optional, if set, will overwrite sitemap start URLs
custom_id: "custom-scraping-job-12" // optional, will be included in webhook notification
id: 500
custom_id: "custom-scraping-job-12"
$response = $client->createScrapingJob([
'sitemap_id' => 123,
'driver' => 'fast', // 'fast' or 'fulljs'
'page_load_delay' => 2000,
'request_interval' => 2000,
'proxy' => 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
'start_urls' => [ // optional, if set, will overwrite sitemap start URLs
'custom_id' => 'custom-scraping-job-12' // optional, will be included in webhook notification
'id' => 500,
'custom_id' => 'custom-scraping-job-12'
Method: POST
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>/enable-scheduler?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"cron_minute": "*/10",
"cron_hour": "*",
"cron_day": "*",
"cron_month": "*",
"cron_weekday": "*",
"request_interval": 2000,
"page_load_delay": 2000,
"cron_timezone": "Europe/Riga",
"driver": "fast", // "fast" or "fulljs"
"proxy": 0 // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
"success": true,
"data": "ok"
const response = await client.enableSitemapScheduler(123, {
cron_minute: "*/10",
cron_hour: "*",
cron_day: "*",
cron_month: "*",
cron_weekday: "*",
request_interval: 2000,
page_load_delay: 2000,
cron_timezone: "Europe/Riga",
driver: "fast", // 'fast' or 'fulljs'
proxy: 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
$response = $client->enableSitemapScheduler(123, [
'cron_minute' => '*/10',
'cron_hour' => '*',
'cron_day' => '*',
'cron_month' => '*',
'cron_weekday' => '*',
'request_interval' => 2000,
'page_load_delay' => 2000,
'cron_timezone' => 'Europe/Riga',
'driver' => 'fast', // 'fast' or 'fulljs'
'proxy' => 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
Method: POST
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>/disable-scheduler?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": "ok"
const response = await client.disableSitemapScheduler(123);
$response = $client->disableSitemapScheduler(123);
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/<Sitemap ID>/scheduler?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": {
"scheduler_enabled" => true,
"proxy": 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
"cron_minute": "*/10",
"cron_hour": "*",
"cron_day": "*",
"cron_month": "*",
"cron_weekday": "*",
"request_interval": 2000,
"page_load_delay": 2000,
"driver": "fast", // "fast" or "fulljs"
"cron_timezone": "Europe/Riga"
const config = await client.getSitemapScheduler(123);
scheduler_enabled: true,
proxy: 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
cron_minute: "*/10",
cron_hour: "*",
cron_day: "*",
cron_month: "*",
cron_weekday: "*",
request_interval: 2000,
page_load_delay: 2000,
driver: "fast", // 'fast' or 'fulljs'
cron_timezone: "Europe/Riga",
$response = $client->getSitemapScheduler(123);
'scheduler_enabled' => true,
'proxy' => 0, // 0: No proxy, 1: Use proxy, 123: Custom proxy id, 'residential-*': Use residential proxy, replace * with country code, for example, 'residential-us'
'cron_minute' => '*/10',
'cron_hour' => '*',
'cron_day' => '*',
'cron_month' => '*',
'cron_weekday' => '*',
'request_interval' => 2000,
'page_load_delay' => 2000,
'driver' => 'fast', // 'fast' or 'fulljs'
'cron_timezone': 'Europe/Riga'
Note! You can also receive a push notification once the scraping job has finished. Pinging the API until the scraping job has finished isn't a good practice.
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 500,
"custom_id": "custom-scraping-job-12",
"sitemap_name": "webscraper-io-landing",
"status": "scheduling",
"sitemap_id": 123,
"test_run": 0,
"jobs_scheduled": 0,
"jobs_executed": 0,
"jobs_failed": 0,
"jobs_empty": 0,
"jobs_no_value": 0,
"stored_record_count": 0,
"request_interval": 2000,
"page_load_delay": 2000,
"driver": "fast",
"scheduled": 0, // scraping job was started by scheduler
"time_created": 1493370624, // unix timestamp
"scraping_duration": 60, // seconds
const scrapingJob = await client.getScrapingJob(500);
id: 500
custom_id: "custom-scraping-job-12"
sitemap_name: "webscraper-io-landing"
status: "scheduling"
sitemap_id: 123
test_run: 0
jobs_scheduled: 0
jobs_executed: 0
jobs_failed: 0
jobs_empty: 0
jobs_no_value: 0
stored_record_count: 0
request_interval: 2000
page_load_delay: 2000
driver: "fast"
scheduled: 0 // scraping job was started by scheduler
time_created: "1493370624" // unix timestamp
$scrapingJob = $client->getScrapingJob(500);
'id' => 500,
'custom_id' => 'custom-scraping-job-12',
'sitemap_name' => 'webscraper-io-landing',
'status' => 'scheduling',
'sitemap_id' => 123,
'test_run' => 0,
'jobs_scheduled' => 0,
'jobs_executed' => 0,
'jobs_failed' => 0,
'jobs_empty' => 0,
'jobs_no_value' => 0,
'stored_record_count' => 0,
'request_interval' => 2000,
'page_load_delay' => 2000,
'driver' => 'fast',
'scheduled' => 0, // scraping job was started by scheduler
'time_created' => 1493370624, // unix timestamp
'scraping_duration' => 60, // seconds
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-jobs?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
Optional query parameters:
- page: &page=2
- sitemap: &sitemap_id=123
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 500,
"custom_id": "custom-scraping-job-12",
"sitemap_name": "webscraper-io-landing",
"status": "scheduling",
"sitemap_id": 123,
"test_run": 0,
"jobs_scheduled": 0,
"jobs_executed": 0,
"jobs_failed": 0,
"jobs_empty": 0,
"jobs_no_value": 0,
"stored_record_count": 0,
"request_interval": 2000,
"page_load_delay": 2000,
"driver": "fast",
"scheduled": 0, // scraping job was started by scheduler
"time_created": 1493370624, // unix timestamp
"scraping_duration": 60, // seconds
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"total": 5,
"per_page": 100,
let generator = client.getScrapingJobs({
sitemap_id: 123, // optional
const scrapingJobs = await generator.getAllRecords();
// or iterate through all scraping jobs manually
generator = client.getScrapingJobs({
sitemap_id: 123, // optional
for await (const record of await generator.fetchRecords()) {
// response (generator)
id: 500,
custom_id: "custom-scraping-job-12",
sitemap_name: "webscraper-io-landing",
status: "scheduling",
sitemap_id: 123,
test_run: 0,
jobs_scheduled: 0,
jobs_executed: 0,
jobs_failed: 0,
jobs_empty: 0,
jobs_no_value: 0,
stored_record_count: 0,
request_interval: 2000,
page_load_delay: 2000,
driver: "fast",
scheduled: 0, // scraping job was started by scheduler
time_created: "1493370624", // unix timestamp
$scrapingJobIterator = $client->getScrapingJobs($sitemapId = null);
// iterate through all scraping jobs
foreach($scrapingJobIterator as $scrapingJob) {
// or iterate through all scraping jobs while manually handling pagination
$page = 1;
do {
$scrapingJobs = $scrapingJobIterator->getPageData($page);
foreach($scrapingJobs as $scrapingJob) {
} while($page <= $scrapingJobIterator->getLastPage());
// response (iterator)
'id' => 500,
'custom_id' => 'custom-scraping-job-12',
'sitemap_name' => 'webscraper-io-landing',
'status' => 'scheduling',
'sitemap_id' => 123,
'test_run' => 0,
'jobs_scheduled' => 0,
'jobs_executed' => 0,
'jobs_failed' => 0,
'jobs_empty' => 0,
'jobs_no_value' => 0,
'stored_record_count' => 0,
'request_interval' => 2000,
'page_load_delay' => 2000,
'driver' => 'fast',
'scheduled' => 0, // scraping job was started by scheduler
'time_created' => 1493370624, // unix timestamp
'scraping_duration' => 60, // seconds
Note! A good practice would be to move the download/import task to a queue job. A good example of queue system.
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>/json?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
// File with one JSON string per line.
{"title":"Nokia 123","price":"$24.99","description":"7 day battery"}
{"title":"ProBook","price":"$739.99","description":"14\", Core i5 2.6GHz, 4GB, 500GB, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"ThinkPad X240","price":"$1311.99","description":"12.5\", Core i5-4300U, 8GB, 240GB SSD, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"Aspire E1-572G","price":"$581.99","description":"15.6\", Core i5-4200U, 8GB, 1TB, Radeon R7 M265, Windows 8.1"}
import * as fs from "fs";
const scrapingJobId = 500;
const outputFile = `/tmp/scrapingjob-${scrapingJobId}.json`;
await client.downloadScrapingJobJSON(scrapingJobId, outputFile);
// read data from file with built in JSON reader
const reader = new JsonReader(outputFile);
for await (const row of reader.fetchRows()) {
console.log(`ROW: ${JSON.stringify(row)} \n`);
// remove temporary file
// File with one JSON string per line.
{"title":"Nokia 123","price":"$24.99","description":"7 day battery"}
{"title":"ProBook","price":"$739.99","description":"14\", Core i5 2.6GHz, 4GB, 500GB, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"ThinkPad X240","price":"$1311.99","description":"12.5\", Core i5-4300U, 8GB, 240GB SSD, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"Aspire E1-572G","price":"$581.99","description":"15.6\", Core i5-4200U, 8GB, 1TB, Radeon R7 M265, Windows 8.1"}
use WebScraper\ApiClient\Reader\JsonReader;
$scrapingJobId = 500;
$outputFile = "/tmp/scrapingjob{$scrapingJobId}.json";
$client->downloadScrapingJobJSON($scrapingJobId, $outputFile);
// read data from file with built in JSON reader
$reader = new JsonReader($outputFile);
$rows = $reader->fetchRows();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
echo "ROW: " . json_encode($row) . "\n";
// remove temporary file
// File with one JSON string per line.
{"title":"Nokia 123","price":"$24.99","description":"7 day battery"}
{"title":"ProBook","price":"$739.99","description":"14\", Core i5 2.6GHz, 4GB, 500GB, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"ThinkPad X240","price":"$1311.99","description":"12.5\", Core i5-4300U, 8GB, 240GB SSD, Win7 Pro 64bit"}
{"title":"Aspire E1-572G","price":"$581.99","description":"15.6\", Core i5-4200U, 8GB, 1TB, Radeon R7 M265, Windows 8.1"}
Note! We recommend using JSON format since multiple CSV notations are being used by different products. For example:
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>/csv?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
// CSV file
1494492462-1,Fluffy Cat,blue
1494492462-1,Fluffy Dog,white
import * as fs from "fs";
const scrapingJobId = 500;
const outputFile = `/tmp/scrapingjob-${scrapingJobId}.csv`;
await client.downloadScrapingJobCSV(scrapingJobId, outputFile);
// Use a library that supports RFC 4180 standard to parse the csv file.
// That said we recommend downloading data and using JSON format data.
// CSV format readers and writers have been incorrectly implemented in multiple applications and programming languages.
// remove temporary file
// CSV file
1494492462-1,Fluffy Cat,blue
1494492462-1,Fluffy Dog,white
use League\Csv\Reader;
$scrapingJobId = 500;
$outputFile = "/tmp/scrapingjob-data{$scrapingJobId}.csv";
$client->downloadScrapingJobCSV($scrapingJobId, $outputFile);
$records = Reader::createFromPath($outputFile)->fetchAssoc();
foreach($records as $record) {
// Import records into database. Importing records in bulk will speed up
// the process.
// remove temporary file
// CSV file
1494492462-1,Fluffy Cat,blue
1494492462-1,Fluffy Dog,white
Returns empty and failed urls for specific scraping job.
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>/problematic-urls?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
Optional query parameters:
- page: &page=2
"success": true,
"data": [
"url": "https://webscraper.io/empty",
"type": "empty",
"url": "https://webscraper.io/failed",
"type": "failed",
"url": "https://webscraper.io/no-value",
"type": "no_value",
"current_page": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"total": 5,
"per_page": 100,
let generator = client.getProblematicUrls(scrapingJobId);
const problematicUrls = await generator.getAllRecords();
// or iterate through all problematic urls manually
generator = client.getProblematicUrls(scrapingJobId);
for await (const record of await generator.fetchRecords()) {
// response (generator)
url: "https://webscraper.io/empty",
type: "empty",
url: "https://webscraper.io/failed",
type: "failed",
url: "https://webscraper.io/no-value",
type: "no_value",
$problematicUrlsIterator = $client->getProblematicUrls($scrapingJobId);
// iterate through all urls
foreach($problematicUrlsIterator as $problematicUrl) {
// or iterate through all problematic urls while manually handling pagination
$page = 1;
do {
$problematicUrls = $problematicUrlsIterator->getPageData($page);
foreach($problematicUrls as $problematicUrl) {
} while($page <= $problematicUrlsIterator->getLastPage());
// response (iterator)
'url' => 'https://webscraper.io/empty',
'type' => 'empty',
'url' => 'https://webscraper.io/failed',
'type' => 'failed',
'url' => 'https://webscraper.io/no-value',
'type' => 'no_value',
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>/data-quality?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": {
"min_record_count": {
"got": 1,
"expected": 1,
"success": true // Specific data quality control indication
"max_failed_pages_percent": {
"got": 0,
"expected": 5,
"success": true // Specific data quality control indication
"max_empty_pages_percent": {
"got": 0,
"expected": 5,
"success": true // Specific data quality control indication
"max_no_value_pages_percent": {
"got": 0,
"expected": 5,
"success": true // Specific data quality control indication
"min_column_records": {
"title": {
"got": 100,
"expected": 95,
"success": true // Specific data quality control indication
"overall_data_quality_success": true // Global data quality control indication
const scrapingJobQuality = await client.getScrapingJobDataQuality(123);
min_record_count: {
got: 1,
expected: 1,
success: true // Specific data quality control indication
max_failed_pages_percent: {
got: 0,
expected: 5,
success: true // Specific data quality control indication
max_empty_pages_percent: {
got: 0,
expected: 5,
success: true // Specific data quality control indication
max_no_value_pages_percent: {
got: 0,
expected: 5,
success: true // Specific data quality control indication
min_column_records: {
title: {
got: 100,
expected: 95,
success: true // Specific data quality control indication
overall_data_quality_success: true // Global data quality control indication
$scrapingJob = $client->getScrapingJobDataQuality(123);
'min_record_count' => [
'got' => 1,
'expected' => 1,
'success' => true, // Specific data quality control indication
'max_failed_pages_percent' => [
'got' => 0,
'expected' => 5,
'success' => true, // Specific data quality control indication
'max_empty_pages_percent' => [
'got' => 0,
'expected' => 5,
'success' => true, // Specific data quality control indication
'max_no_value_pages_percent' => [
'got' => 0,
'expected' => 5,
'success' => true, // Specific data quality control indication
'min_column_records' => [
'title' => [
'got' => 100,
'expected' => 95,
'success' => true, // Specific data quality control indication
'overall_data_quality_success' => true, // Global data quality control indication
Method: DELETE
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/<SCRAPING JOB ID>?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": "ok"
await client.deleteScrapingJob(500);
Method: GET
URL: https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/account?api_token=<YOUR API TOKEN>
"success": true,
"data": {
"email": "user@example.com",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Deere",
"page_credits": 500
const info = await client.getAccountInfo();
email: "user@example.com"
firstname: "John"
lastname: "Deere"
page_credits: 500
$info = $client->getAccountInfo();
'email' => 'user@example.com',
'firstname' => 'John',
'lastname' => 'Deere',
'page_credits' => 500